Parent's Page

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid is an online form for when your student applies for college aid.
The parent toolkit is a website with resources designed for parents. It includes relevant articles, videos, and advice. This website is run by NBC News Education Nation.
As the caregivers of our students, you are a valuable part of their educational success. I highly encourage getting involved in your student's education, and encouraging your students to get involved at school! Some of the ways you can get involved are by coming to our parent events such as the semester kickoff, conferences, and our cultural days, or every Monday I allow for one presenter to come talk about English in relation to their career. These career Mondays are designed to help students see the value of English and to get parents actively involved. Another thing you could do is to keep in touch with your student and with me.
Get Involved
Student Success
As parents, you form a foundation of support for your students to learn from. As a teacher, I help provide the tools for them to think. Only by working together can we help them grow and succeed.
This guide provides some ideas on how to destress after a long day of sarcasm laced love.
Below is my calendar. Please feel free to email me and schedule a meeting with you or your student.