Recommended Books!!!
Easy Reads
Happy Reading! (Click on Cover for more information! Always seek parental approval before reading as some books include explicit language! Some books cover controversial topics and require a permission slip before being checked out.)

This widely popular book series follows the life of "The Boy who Lived" Harry Potter, as he finds his place in a wizarding world he had no idea existed.

This zombie apocalypse book follows the life of Benny as he finds his place among his survival oriented community and the post-apocalyptic world.

John Flanagan writes a fantastic tale following the life of Will, a ranger's apprentice, as he chooses his vocation and learns his role in society as protectors.

Loosely based on Indian mythology, this adventure based romance is a tale with Indian princes who transform into tigers and a 300 year old curse.

Romantic fantasy novel that takes Wonderland in a new direction with magic, mischief, and a classic love triangle that is not to be missed. (Plus, the ink is purple.)

This YA series by Marissa Meyer takes traditional fairy tales and gives them a sci-fi twist. Cinder (Cinderella) is a cyborg who finds herself at the center of political intrigue and a battle to save humanity from a vicious plague. A must read for any sci-fi for fairy tale lovers.

This is a psychological thriller by author Mindy McGinnis. This story prompts thinking about equal rights. This story follows three narrators as it goes tells the story of a high school vigilante named Alex. Who describes herself in the following quote: "The books didn't help me find a name for myself. And so I made my own. I am vengeance." (Trigger warning: explicit content, please see me for a permission slip before reading)

This is a self help type book that I enjoyed. It outlines living for success and covers topics such as fomo and the life of Youtuber Lilly Singh.This is a quick read that you can find on my shelf!

This YA realistic fiction book follows the life of a girl named Aza with obsessive compulsive order. You see Aza grapple with finding herself while attempting to solve the mystery of a missing billionaire. Part romance, part mystery, this coming of age story will keep you guessing until the last page.
Challenge Books
Happy Reading! (Click on Cover for more information! Always seek parental approval before reading as some books include explicit language! Some books cover controversial topics and require a permission slip before being checked out.)

This book by F. Scott Fitzgerald takes place in the roaring twenties and follows the life of the fabulously rich Gatsby through the lens of Gatsby's friend Nick Carraway

A look into the treatment and life of someone who is suicidal. (Please see me for a permission slip before reading.)

An enlightening view of racism in the 1960s.

This story follows the unlikely meeting of a prince and and identical poor beggar child as they switch places and live life in one another's shoes for awhile.

This Holocaust memoir is one of those books that sticks with you over the years.

This choose your own adventure style version of the classic Hamlet by Shakespeare is a good read for any student who wants to explore the development of plot and how chains of events create outcomes.

This classic sci-fi horror story tells the tale of Dr. Frankenstein and his "monster".

This Sci-Fi thriller takes place in a post apocalyptic world where zombies lurk and your phone could be behind it.

The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down is a ethnography that explores cultural differences. It focuses on the experiences of a Hmong family with an epileptic child and their clash with western medicine.